Cabinet |
Name |
Status |
Year |
Manufacturer |
Space Battle (bootleg set 1) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
spacbatt |
Space Echo (set 1) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
spacecho |
Space Echo (set 2) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
spacecho2 |
Space Firebird (bootleg) |
imperfect |
1980 |
bootleg |
spacefbb |
Space Empire (bootleg) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
spacempr |
Space Dragon (Moon Cresta bootleg, set 1) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
spcdrag |
Space Dragon (Moon Cresta bootleg, set 2) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
spcdraga |
Speak & Rescue (bootleg) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
speakresb |
Steraranger (Moon Cresta bootleg) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
stera |
Stratovox (bootleg) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
stratvoxb |
Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
vautourz |
Video Pool (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) |
good |
1980 |
bootleg |
vpool |
Battle of Atlantis (bootleg) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
atlantisb |
Bagman (bootleg on Crazy Kong hardware) |
preliminar |
1981 |
bootleg |
bagmanf |
Batman Part 2 |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
batman2 |
Big Kong |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
bigkong |
The Billiards (Video Hustler bootleg) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
billiard |
Crazy Kong (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
ckongg |
Crazy Kong (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
ckongmc |
Crazy Kong Part II (alternative levels) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
ckongpt2b |
Crazy Kong (Scramble hardware) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
ckongs |
Condor (bootleg of Phoenix) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
condor |
Crush Roller (bootleg) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
crushbl |
Crush Roller (bootleg?) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
crushbl2 |
Explorer |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
explorer |
Fitter (bootleg) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
fitterbl |
Frog (Galaxian hardware) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
frogg |
Frog |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
froggers |
Gallag |
imperfect |
1981 |
bootleg |
gallag |
Ghostmuncher Galaxian (bootleg) |
good |
1981 |
bootleg |
gmgalax |